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Manifest KPG Ministries

The Blessing of Change

Today, we are living in trying times that call for change. We are in a time of change following the November elections. We are in a time of change following the protests and outrage of American Citizens towards police brutality. We are in a time of change, vast social distancing and aloneness because of the pandemic. We are living in a time of change because God gave us His most precious gift, for our salvation, His SON JESUS Christ.

Often we do not welcome change or the unfamiliar, but we must welcome the change of God through Christ. While we desire to be in control and find it cumbersome to cope in toxic or troublesome situations, we must yield to the spirit. We may not enjoy God's timing or delayed solutions but Psalm 31:15 says, our times are in His hands. God knows the perfect time and season for each and every one of us.

Waiting on God, is a trying of our faith and patience. Increasingly, we lean to our own understanding and seek ungodly council. Instead we should look to God in prayer, diligently seeking His face. As King Saul, when we refuse to humble ourselves in times of difficulty, uncertainty and perplexity we do not make the best choices. In Saul's desperation he turned to witchcraft because God rejected him, II Samuel 28:5-7. Unlike Saul, let us stand on the word of God and be encouraged not to look to the left nor the right. Our answer to difficult situations-- is the ultimate gift--our Savior Jesus Christ.

God wants us to open our hearts unto Him and allow Him to direct our paths. So, He can lead us to the change that is necessary for His will to be done in our lives. According to 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. This focus is because what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Praying for change is the best choice when your situation looks bleak or hopeless. Even the negative situations God allows is NOT for evil but for good. In spite of the possibility of struggle, change can bring about new adventures or significant circumstances and promote advancements rather than demotion. Change can be God's gift to mankind, change may lead you to the right path, and open new doors to your destiny. "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows,"but changes you, James 1:17.

The processes involved in change provokes: fresh opportunities, character development, greater faith, fresh skills, new friendships and other improvements in your life.'' We need not panic in the midst of newness or decision making for God, the holy sprit, will guide us into all truth. He will grant insight and meaningful wisdom as we experience Him guiding us during points of change in our lives. These experiences enrich and reinforce our hope, our faith and our boldness in God.

God is the author of change. He created everything by changing nothingness into something by His spoken word. We too can speak change into existence. We can stand on the promises of God by speaking his word over our situations. Prayer to God for change in our society and our immediate world, causes us to stretch and exercise our muscles, so that distractions and interruptions do not bring about corruption or despair. Change means that something new or different is occurring, and that may be what is taking place within us. as we face unusual circumstances. That most notable change and reward may simply be a more potent prayer relationship with the Lord.

Therefore, in the name of Jesus, we pray God's will. We speak to the mountain in faith, when we speak in faith to the mountain it shall be moved. We have confidence and comfort in God because we know Him, and we know that change is God's way of promoting blessings in our lives. Looking to God in disastrous times will secure and keep us in the center of God's will and grant us peace. Fore we know, Emmanuel came that we may live life more abundantly, through salvation and purpose.

Author: Prophetess Cal Cullins

Co-Author: David Hall

Editor: Cherish Cullins

Images: Cherish Cullins

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