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Manifest KPG Ministries

Coping In A Crisis by Prophetess Cal

Police, the inherent protectors of American citizens, are now viewed as oppressors of the populous by the entire world. Many Blacks were already cognizant of this trifle, but today citizens of every nation have begun to realize that policing in America and abroad can be an occupation against the freedoms and livelihoods of minorities. Many ponder, how can we change this phenomenon? They resort to protesting and rebellion, yet prayer is key.

If you turn to God in prayer, He will orchestrate the chain of events with your police encounters. Simply pray for the Lord to guide your decisions and to grant favor with the cop(s) and legal system, for both your passengers and yourself. Psalm 4:1, Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have given me relief when I was in distress. Be gracious to me and hear my prayer! Even if the cops' hearts' are cold during confrontations, you may not escape every entrapment of the enemy but at least flee unscathed.

Absconding police brutality is not our only concern; presently, we face plagues as the Egyptians in the Old Testament. The infamous debilitating, fatal flu began to plague the planet following the advent of walking pneumonia in late 2019. Thus the name, COVID-19, meaning Corona Virus Disease 2019. Per CNN, this disease has struck the planet in crippling faction, killing over a half million people worldwide to date and affecting approximately 10 million victims.

Our country, the almighty United States initially felt invincible to the virus. However, in March 2020, COVID-19 brought America to our knees. Contractions of the disease and fatalities became pervasive among all people in the nation.

Allegedly, again another level of disregard for minorities has become prevalent, as Blacks are disproportionately murdered by lack of COVID-19 healthcare. People are fearful, overwhelmed and even desensitized by the spread and death toll of COVID-19; nonetheless, our hope is in God. COVID-19 is also the blame for massive displacements in the job market and financial strain.

The economy took a massive downturn as school and business closings became imminent and the Stock Market literally crashed around the world. People were and are still being dismissed from jobs without warnings. Some have lost jobs due to limited transportation, as airports, buses and rental car services slow or shutdown from COVID-19.

Others were already in low-income jobs that could not allow saving for emergency support.

Thankfully, God is stepping in with boughs of mercy, as the government employs bills allowing for stimulus relief funds, increased funding for unemployment and welfare to households, businesses and individuals. Hebrews 4:16 [..] then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

The worldwide spread of the deadly, contagious COVID-19 has provoked people to employ social distancing and therefore work and school from home. Parents, adults and children are forced to home confinement due to business and school closings and cannot look forward to returning for the upcoming school term, as the virus continues to spread. The need to social distance for the safety and protection of ourselves, love ones and community does not strengthen our emotions but in fact takes a psychological toil on us all.

For many, work and school commutes provide a sense of alleviation from problems at home. COVID-19 has exacerbated our home issues without allayment, while others who stay alone, become even more lonely and forgotten during this upheaval. Thus many seek a means of escape; even the mundane task of going to the grocery store with social distance restrictions is now a source of assuage from the loneliness and bedlam of home. Although, people are dealing with levels of stress and fear in their decision making concerning going to the store or attending or carrying out social distancing in gatherings of ten people or more. Even our usual means of escapism through fresh entertainment and religion assembly is nullified, as TV, restaurants, sporting events, church and entertainment venues can no longer continue functioning as usual.

Yes, all of these crises cause for a stronger set of coping skills than the average person is equipped to handle. Should we resolve to pulling out hair, falling into depression and destruction or going to war with our neighbors? No; unfortunately, we are allowing stress and sorrow to fester, to marinate in our hearts and minds hurting our souls." The word assures us that through prayer, God can grant calmness of mind and spirit. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus, Philippians 4:4-7.

Still, our nations continue to look for solutions within ourselves and and means outside of God. For the bible says, in 2 Chronicles 7:14 then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. Since our nations have constantly participated in and legalized immorality and our church doors are currently closed or open to only small numbers, we must determined an infinite solution for communing with God. Contrite, consistent, international virtual corporate prayer, online group prayer and individual prayers of repentance and atonement are the answer.

Although our nations must pay for wrong doings, in crisis and hard times we can and must prayerfully sup with God. Fervent prayer lives are the catalyst for change in our countries and our individual citizens daily and spiritual lives. Don't fret, for God is here to hear you and guide you through these lonely and stressful times. Jeremiah 29:12 "Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you."

We can cope with turmoil as we build better relationships with our God through prayer. By using God's methods of coping: praying without ceasing, mediating on the word of God, giving thanks and praise to God, fellowshipping in the presence of God, and being doers of God's word, we can overcome any crisis. Sure there are many ways to cope with stressful situations, for instance writing, singing, exercising and drawing but the most definite powerful way is to--pray much. When we turn whole heartedly to God, we realize that he is here. Jeremiah 23:23, God is at hand, he is not far off; he will never leave us nor forsake us.

As our work and school lives, business and personal lives and relationships with our police system and each other, decline, our extraordinary need for personal relationships with God is ever present. Nevertheless, the absence of physical church attendance has caused some to become indifferent or withdraw from fellowship with God. Rather than withdrawing, we must use this time of social distancing as God sent. We must purposely spend more time in God's presence instead of using our voids as habitual space for worry, disdain, loathing and entertainment. The word of God states that he will show us the path of life, for in His presence is fullness of joy and pleasure forever more, Psalm 16:11.

God has purpose for this ecumenical shut down. It is time for the world to get right with God, to hear from God, to clearly learn the voice of God, and for God to show his disciples what He wants each of us to do. Remember, if we pray much, we draw closer to God. If we pray much we will trust and stand on the word of God. As we place our trust in Him and pray unceasingly, we shall cope effectively, led by God through the midst of crisis unharmed.

Author: Prophetess Cal Cullins

Co-Author: David Hall

Editor: Cherish Cullins

Images: Cherish Cullins

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