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Our KPG Story

There was a time when prayer shut-ins were prevalent and if you visited  saints  prayer dominated  the visit. In churches and homes people prayed and sought God, through revival for days and weeks, to touch the heavens and usher in the move and anointing of the holy spirit. God wants his people to move back into that place, on our knees developing a closer and intimate relationship with him. Then his people shall flow in the spirit as yielded vessels and his works can be seen on earth in an unprecedented way. God has appointed Prophetess Cal Cullins for such a time as this. God sent a seer to give her a word "Start Having Prayer!" Out of this prophesy and a God given yearning for the old time religion Manifest Kingdom Power Glory (KPG) Ministries, Inc.  was born, October 2011. 

Ever since, the ministry affectionately called "KPG,"  continues to empower and encourage saints to perpetual prayer for the manifestation of the true and living GOD. KPG enables the new in Christ, lukewarm or back slidden and the mature in Christ to reach spiritual depths unseen. By creating a positive forum to ignite fervent prayer, persistent prayer, holy ghost prayer, fasting prayer, and yielding to the flow of the spirit KPG Festers experience the miraculous in GOD. 

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